Interim Management And Consultancy – One Team
A Team of Consultants and an Interim Manager
Sound concepts are a prerequisite for change. HANSE Management Consulting GmbH has been creating such concepts for more than 20 years and they are highly valued by stakeholders across Germany. We know from practical experience that many implementation tasks cannot be managed by consultants alone. Hiring an interim manager is a more suitable option when it comes to implementing operative measures in day-to-day business. Our concept involves the coworking of interim management and consultancy if needed.
If the interim manager and consultants work together in a team, it can lead to a maximum creation of added value. If there is a common understanding between them, friction loss can be avoided. Ideally, the interim manager will already be hired at the conceptual stage of the project.
The HANSE Consulting group offers a “one-stop” solution: interim management and consultancy.

If you are interested in consulting services in the area of restructuring (also IDW S6 expert opinions) or performance improvement (in all sub-areas), please have a look at the website of HANSE Consulting.
If you are interested and have questions regarding M&A (also Distressed M&A), please have a look at the website of the M&A division.
And if you want to contact us, please do not hesitate to contact us.