Significant number of workplace accidents resulting in lost time: When workplace accidents pile up at a leading rigid film manufacturer, it takes tact to restore awareness among employees and managers – with an HSE Interim Manager.
Building a foundation for stable occupational health and safety with HSE Interim Managers. Stable, safe and sustainable.
The starting situation
The referred company is headquartered in the EU and is a leading global producer of rigid films. The main business areas are packaging and solutions for special films. The company employs approximately 1500 people worldwide.
Due to today’s ever-increasing production pressure, measures and processes concerning the occupational health and safety of employees and their direct supervisors were often neglected, resulting in moderate or even serious occupational accidents. The consequences were immense on both sides, for the employees who suffered accidents as well as for the company. Accident victims were put on sick leave, operated on and then sent to rehab. The healing process took several weeks.
The company had to replace the workstation with another employee who did not know the processes as well and suffered production losses. Due to the regular workplace accidents that occurred almost every week, there was a lot of unrest in the company, especially in production. Employee motivation deteriorated and led to high absenteeism. In any case, occupational health and safety came up short in production, as global reporting for the company’s top management tied up a lot of internal HSE resources. As a result, there was little to no exchange between employees and HSE managers, to the point of almost being extinct.
The task
The goal was to reduce the number of on-site accidents. To achieve this, it was necessary to raise awareness among managers and appeal to their responsibility in the area of occupational safety.
This took place, among other things, with supporting measures such as training in the duties of supervisors.
The employees in production and on the store, floor also had to be integrated into the topic.
HANSE Interim was able to provide the company in question with two experienced HSE interim managers.

The solution
First, it was important to get to know the structures of occupational health and safety on site and to have a closer look at them.
The above-mentioned deficiencies quickly became apparent. In addition, there was no foundation for setting up occupational health and safety in a stable, safe, and sustainable manner. After conducting a risk assessment of the entire company, these findings were confirmed.
It was therefore a top priority to create a foundation for occupational health and safety. To this end, the middle management level had to be picked up, especially on the subject of employer’s rights and obligations in occupational safety and personal liability risks of managers in the event of non-compliance with the relevant statutory regulations. The authorized representatives, such as the safety officers, first aiders and fire protection assistants, had to be brought back on board. Numerous meetings were held with the officers to reactivate them. The dialogs all took place at eye level to create a constructive atmosphere. It was important to give the commissioners and helpers back the status they deserved. They were included in the morning half-hour meetings by their presence.
The employees in production are the highest asset in an industrial company. It has been of great importance to work closely together with them. Through several rounds a day on the part of the interim managers and intensive discussions, it was possible to build up trust with the employees and, at the same time, to recognize the deficiencies on the part of occupational safety. High risks, which were identified together with the employees, were immediately minimized, or eliminated with appropriate measures. The employees noticed that something was moving, and word spread throughout the company. The interim managers instituted daily 15-minute audits. In attendance were plant management, production management, the group manager and plant employees. Here, in cooperation with the employees, deficiencies could be pointed out, which were recorded in action plans. These were posted at the plants. Responsible persons and deadlines were named. Transparency was very important.
The result
By the efforts of the two HANSE Interim Managers, a basis for occupational health and safety could be created. Organizational occupational health and safety is now back on a sound footing, so that it has become a matter of course in the company. Most of the employees are sensitized to occupational health and safety and carry it forward with their managers. The number of accidents dropped abruptly, and productivity increased significantly.
It can be seen repeatedly that it is necessary to work closely together with all the employees in manufacturing companies. Especially with the employees working directly on the production floor. Once you have won them over, you can achieve a lot in a company.
We are already looking forward to the next project story and are excited to see which topic will be in focus then!
With best regards
Your HANSE Interim Management
Andreas Lau