HANSE-Talk with Andreas Lau about the booming market of interim management

Success Factors in the aspiring Interim Management Market: Strategic Entrepreneurial Measures, Demographic Changes, Record Turnovers

HANSE-Talk about the booming market of interim management

The market for interim management has seen impressive development in recent years. With a steadily growing volume of orders, this personnel service has become a key factor for companies looking for highly qualified temporary executives.

This blog post takes a closer look at current trends in interim management, from record sales and demographic change to companies’ strategic thinking about interim management and growth targets at HANSE Interim.

This is because HANSE Interim was able to participate in the positive market development and recorded an excellent increase in inquiries and incoming orders, too.

HANSE-Talk with Andreas Lau about the booming market of interim management

As an interim manager provider and interim manager (CRO), HANSE Interim Managing Director Andreas Lau has more than 20 years of experience in interim business. He provides a closer look at current market developments as well as an assessment of which trends could shape the industry in the future and which success factors will become crucial for companies. Our new HANSE Interim Relationship Manager Özlem Kolsouzidis interviewed Andreas Lau.

HANSE-Talk mit Andreas Lau

Özlem Kolsouzidis: Welcome to today’s HANSE Talk. We have the pleasure of talking to an expert in the field of interim management. Can you please introduce yourself briefly?

Andreas Lau: Of course, thank you very much for this opportunity. My name is Andreas Lau, I am the managing partner of HANSE Interim Management GmbH and I have been working in the field of interim management for many years. I have closely followed the developments in this market and look forward to sharing my insights with you.

Özlem Kolsouzidis: Fantastic, Andreas. Let‘s jump right into it. We’ve heard that the interim management market is currently going through a period of impressive growth. Can you tell us more about these trends?

Andreas Lau: Of course. The market for interim management has undoubtedly experienced rapid development in recent years. Regarding this, we are more talking about record sales than a simple increase. Companies are increasingly turning to temporary executives to fill short-term gaps in management or to tackle challenging projects that promise returns. This has led to a remarkable increase in turnover, unprecedented in the history of this industry as well as of HANSE Interim.

Özlem Kolsouzidis: That sounds awesome. Are there any particular factors that have contributed to these record sales?

Andreas Lau: Absolutely. One of the driving forces is the impact of demographic change in business world. With the transition of the baby boomer generation into retirement, companies are losing valuable knowledge and extensive experience. At the same time, there is not enough young talent available, meaning young professionals and managers are not stepping up in equal numbers. This is where interim management comes in, offering highly qualified interim managers and interim experts as temporary solutions for a wide range of positions. Demographic change has increased the need for experienced interim managers massively, thus contributing to the high turnover. This trend is set to intensify.

Özlem Kolsouzidis: That’s really impressive. How do you see the future development of this market? Are there strategic steps that companies can take to continue to be successful?

Andreas Lau: The future of interim management looks promising. Companies increasingly need to have interim management in their toolbox as a strategic HR service tool. Why? Companies need to be able to adapt more quickly and flexibly to dynamic changes in their markets. Whether it’s geopolitical changes, digitalization, artificial intelligence, sustainability requirements, cyber attacks, shifts in consumer behavior or competitive behavior – companies can’t keep the best human resources on hand for every growth, change or downsizing scenario, certainly not when labor market resources are scarce. This is where the rosy future of interim management begins to unfold.

Özlem Kolsouzidis: Concluding this interview, I am interested in your assessment of which trends will shape the interim management industry in the future.

Andreas Lau: From my perspective and according to my personal assessment, the following trends may shape the future of our industry:

  1. Transformation management: Interim managers are increasingly being hired to lead transformation projects. We are currently observing how many interim managers are training as transformation managers. The IFUS Institute for Corporate Restructuring in Heidelberg plays a renowned role here.
  2. Crisis management: Interim managers are increasingly hired again as CROs (Chief Restructuring Officers) to lead pre- or post-insolvency corporate restructuring in the weakening economy.
  3. Industries: The industries of automotive, IT & digital technologies, and pharmaceutical & healthcare are increasingly relying on interim managers. Other industries will be added.

Another trend is the possible change in the way employees are searched for. We are observing in great detail how artificial intelligence can influence future recruiting of employees and interim managers. So far, we only see influence worth mentioning in the temporary staffing segment. For highly qualified interim managers, we do not see any significant impact. The assessment of interim managers as human beings in the respective concrete corporate environment is too important.

Özlem Kolsouzidis: Andreas, thank you very much for these exciting insights. It was really enlightening to talk about future developments and opportunities in the field of interim management.

Andreas Lau: Well, thank you. It was a pleasure to share my thoughts with you. I am not only glad that HANSE Interim recognized this attractive market more than 20 years ago. But also that I continuously could develop this market with my great team.

Özlem Kolsouzidis

Özlem Kolsouzidis
Relationship Management
at HANSE Interim

Özlem Kolsouzidis supervises the interim management projects
from selecting and drafting the contract successfully to concluding
and accompanying clients and interim managers throughout the entire project.

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